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Time Table

Computer Science A

Sprint1: Tools and Software Development Processes

Students should have experience in blogging, coding with Jupyter Notebooks, and GitHub Pages. Understanding of Linux, Python, Markdown, HTML, and JavaScript is expected. Students have previously established a foundation using essential tools and software development processes. Weeks 0-2 will provide a quick review, prior to students starting their College Board CSA and Full Stack Web Development with Java journey.

Week Issues Code,Code,Code Collaboration
0 Sprint 1 Objectives Github Pages Playground  
1   Frontend Hack  
2   SASS Mini Project
Playing With Jupyter Notebooks and Python
Pair Collaboration

Sprint2: Java Mini-labs

Students should have an understanding of Fundamentals of Programming from Python, JavaScript, or other backgrounds. In this Sprint, students will become familiar with Java types, booleans, iteration, recursion, using and writing objects through Mini-labs. These labs will introduce AP required aspects of Java, FRQ requirements, and review College Board’s 10 Sprints online.

Week Issues Code,Code,Code Collaboration
3   Unit 1 - Primitive Types  
4     My Team Teach: Arrays
5   Unit 2 - Using Objects
Unit 2 Part 1
Unit 2 Part 2
Unit 2 Part 3
Unit 2 Part 4
Unit 2 HW
Unit 8 - 2D Arrays
6   Unit 5 - Classes
Unit 5 - Anatomy
Unit 5 - Constructors
Unit 5 - Accessor Methods
Unit 5 - toString Method
Unit 5 - Mutator Methods
Unit 5 - Writing Methods
Unit 5 - Static Variables and Methods
Unit 5 - Scope and Access
Unit 5 - This Keyword
Unit 5 - HW
Unit 7 - ArrayList
Unit 7 - Array Lists Intro/Methods
Unit 7 - Traversing
Unit 7 - Searching & Algorithms
Unit 7 - Sorting
Unit 7 - Ethics
Unit 7 - HW
Unit 9 - Inheritance
Unit 9 - Constructors for Superclasses & Subclasses
Unit 9 - Override
Unit 9 - Hierarchies
Unit 9 - Polymorphism
Unit 9 - Object Sueprclass
Unit 9 - Hacks

Sprint3: Individual/Team Projects, N@tM

In this Sprint, students will continue to become familiar with Java development as they learn Web Development using the Spring Framework. Coding will focus on Restful APIs, receiving requests, working with data, and responding to requests. This will teach key Java concepts while using Java Spring framework elements such as a Rest Controller, Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs), Object Relational Model (ORM), and Java Persistent API (JPA).

Week Issues Code,Code,Code Collaboration